Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Inaugural Service for the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which our parish hosted for the greater Dublin area last year, will take place this coming Saturday 18th January at 8pm in Abbey Presbyterian Church, Parnell Square north (beside the Gardens of Remembrance). It would be fitting if a large contingent of people from our parish support this event, at which leaders from over 14 Christian denominations gather to pray. Our Church of Ireland friends in St Brigid’s, led by Rev Colm McConaghie, are being encouraged to attend too. Bishop Donal Roche, Auxiliary Bishop of our Diocese, will be the homilist.
Fr Damian
Mass Times
Vigil Mass at 6pm
Mass at 10am (Family Mass) and 12 noon
(6pm Sunday Mass in St Philip the Apostle, Mountview)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday:
Mass at 10am
Tuesday, Thursday:
Mass at 7.30pm
Saturday after 10am and 6pm Mass, and on request