
Pause and Reflect - It's Lent

There is a series of Lenten Talks available on the parish webcam during the season of Lent.

A new talk will be added each week and available to listen to from 7pm on each of the Mondays of Lent.

22nd February:   The Lenten Journey – Fr. Brendan Walsh

1st March:   My Journey of Hope – Simon Marriott

8th March:   Listening to the Cry of the Earth – Jane Mellett

15th March:   Women Witnesses: The challenges of proclaiming the Reign of God today – Sr. Sheila Curran

22nd March:   A Journey of Hope through Grief – Olive Foley

29th March:   How to Discern God’s Will – Fr. Patrick Cahill

To listen to the talks:

  • Click on the webcam link on the Parish Website
  • Across the top, above the image of our church, you will see four headings
  • Click on the heading on the right entitled “Featured Videos”
  • The available video talks will be listed here as they are uploaded each week
  • Click on a video to start it

Notes on the speakers:

Fr. Brendan Walsh – Born in Mayo, Fr. Brendan was ordained in 1998 as a Pallotine priest. He has ministered in Rome and the U.S.A and now resides with the Pallotine Community in
Thurles. He is currently working in Retreat and Healing Ministries. He is a regular speaker at the Divine Mercy Conference.

Simon Marriott – After his sons’ miraculous healing Simon walked away from a successful business to follow Christ. Working in the Czech Republic for a number of years and getting involved with Youth for Christ he ran camps and projects for children and young people from orphanages. Now living in Mullingar and ministering in schools and parishes with ‘a posture of humility’ Simon has built up an ongoing faith formation in the lives of young people with courses and projects such as Alpha, Rock Solid Clubs, drop in centres and Nomad cage soccer.

Jane Mellett – Jane is the Laudato Si Officer with Trócaire. Her work focuses on sharing Pope Francis’ encyclical on Care for Our Common Home with faith communities in Ireland and looking at how we can take urgent action to address the ecological crisis. Prior to this Jane was a parish pastoral worker with the Archdiocese of Dublin.

Sr. Sheila Curran – Sr. Sheila is a Doctor of Theology and a member of the Sisters of Mercy Northern Province Ireland. She is the Justice Coordinator for Conference of Religious of Ireland and Irish Missionary Union. Working with the migrants, refugees and asylum seekers is one of the main areas for justice for Association of Missionaries and Religious in Ireland.

Olive Foley – Olive is wife of the late Anthony Foley, an Irish and Munster rugby player who died suddenly in Paris in October 2016. He was the Munster Rugby coach. Their sons Daniel and Tony were aged 8 and 11 at that time. Through her difficulties she has experienced family and community at their best and placed her trust in God. Olive now works very closely with Sr. Helen Culhane as Ambassador for Children’s Grief Centre in Limerick.

Fr. Patrick Cahill – From Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Fr. Patrick is a priest of the Work of Jesus the High Priest. He has been ministering as a missionary priest in Ireland and Italy since his ordination in 2009. He has a passion for youth ministry and is one of the founding members of the Holy Family Mission House, Kilsheelan, Co. Tipperary, where he works as a spiritual director.