Here are our Confession times for Christmas 2024 ....
Here are some December dates you might like to note in your diary ....
In this Advent Season we shall be granted once again to experience the closeness of the One who created the world….
The Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe, which we celebrate today, is set at the conclusion of the liturgical year ....
All Saint’s Day – 1st November - Evening Mass 7.30pm, St Patrick's, Corduff
Thank you for your continued prayer for our Fr Denis ....
Sunday 20th October is World Mission Sunday ....
Our parish hosted two beautiful prayer events this past week which were quite different in style but both resulted in peace of heart ....
Thank you so much for your mighty prayers for our dear Fr Denis....
Thank you so much for your generous donations to the Diocesan Lourdes Associate Fund last weekend....
Mass times for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Gospel presents us the narrative of the Last Supper (Mk 14:12-16, 22-26) ....