
Archbishop Farrell is inviting all parishes to the next stage of reflection entitled ‘Building Hope’ that follows on from the Task Force Consultation that took place in our Diocese last year and our recent Synod Gatherings. It takes the feedback from the 3,000 plus submissions made to the Task Force and asks us to look at what we do well and how we can do better in relation to the mission, vision and values arising from that Consultation. They are:


Encounter with the person of Jesus makes us who we are, and shapes what we do. Being at the service of this encounter is the heart of our mission. The living Christ calls and empowers the Dublin Archdiocese to act with resolve and become more fully a place of welcome and compassion, which embodies the power, hope and joy of the gospel.


Across the Archdiocese we build up together:
Communities that are faith-filled
Communities of co-responsibility through servant leadership
Communities that are active in social justice and Communities of welcome and inclusion

We are called to develop new ways to accompany the people of our time. This will require new thinking and a shift of mind-set in everyone. Within the reality of our cultural, social and church context, we must create new possibilities for mission:
Supporting people to deepen their faith and relationship with God

Creating the structures that support vibrant communities of faith, and

Advocating for those who are on the margins

Aware of the need for responsible stewardship, and of the diminishing resources available of time, talent and treasure, we are invited into an ongoing process of prayerful dialogue, discernment and decision making, concerning our missionary priorities.


Continuously opening ourselves to the challenges and opportunities provided by change
Building a culture of dialogue, discernment and solidarity

Actively participating together as baptised People of God

Working alongside each other to effect renewal

Including and accompanying all, especially those on the margins

Supporting and resourcing faith development

Committing ourselves to care for the earth and sustainability

Grounding all we do as communities in the mission and ministry of Jesus