Our Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is planning a response to the call of Pope Francis and our Archbishop Dermot Farrell for action by Christian communities to respond to the global climate change crisis. Several members of our PPC attended a Conference organised by the Archdiocese of Dublin late last November on that very topic. They heard how Pope Francis in his Encyclical, Laudato Si, identifies two connected areas for action. He asks us to listen to ‘the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’: the Earth, where we witness the very visible signs of the climate crisis on our common home which must be reversed and the Poor, the most disadvantaged in the human family who feel the effects of climate change all the most.
Cry of the Earth: In our parish we will replant the eight large planters that frame the circular gathering space in front of our Church with sustainable and pollinator friendly plants. This will be a visible sign of our support to change our own domestic habits in tackling the ravages of climate change. We will need some volunteer help with this work of digging, planting and painting. The weather is improving and we plan to complete this work in the next month so anybody interested in helping should contact: Margaret at 0868392518 or Dan at 0862412470.
Cry of the Poor: Our PPC will hold a Gigantic Raffle over the coming weeks in support of the Mary’s Meals charity. This no-frills charity, founded in 2002, provides daily meals and education to 2.5 million children in the poorest parts of the world. These are areas that have suffered most from the ravages of climate change where increasing drought and unreliable weather patterns have devastated the already difficult production of foodstuffs. Mary’s Meals provide food in the places of education – a railway station in India, under a tree in Kenya, so that children can go to school and break the cycle of poverty. €22 feeds and educates a child for a year. Mary’s Meals is a low profile and highly effective charity where 97 cent from every euro donated goes directly to feed a child. Tickets will be on sale shortly at €5 each and a book of 5 for €20: Buying a book of tickets will feed and help to educate a child for a year. Very attractive prizes have been donated for this very good cause and we ask for your support.
Parish Environmental Audit: Our PPC has also committed to carrying out an environmental audit to help us work towards more sustainable practices in the way our church building and parish centre operate.