All artworks in the new church were created by, or under the supervision of Imogen Stuart, one of the most impressive exponents of Christian art at work in Ireland today. Using a range of materials, Imogen designed the altar, lectern, sedilia, tabernacle & baptismal font (all in granite), the candle sticks, altar cross, credence table, processional cross, church main doors & paschal candlestick (all in mild steel), altar boys crosses (alloy), bell (bronze), door handles (oak), santuary lamp and tapestry.
One of the most striking features of the Church’s interior is the granite stonework of the Altar, Lectern and Tabernacle. The stonework was carried out by expert stone masons Philip O’Neill and Paddy Rowe.
The lectern has two pillars with a stone across. The two pillars represent the Old and New Testaments.
The floor of the santuary is laid with Botticcino marble.
The main entrance door is made from mild steel. On one side there are profiles of Mary, Mother of the Church and the Child Jesus. On the other, there is an unusual Cross which has the centre removed and transposed to the side.
The Paschal candle consists of a series of mild steel wings arranged in pyramids, one standing on top of the other. The altar candlesticks are also made from mild steel in the shape of wings. All of the steelworks were carried out by Vincent Byrne.
The Tapestry behind the Tabernacle was woven by Kathy McAleevy. It contains an image of the crucified Christ.